On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Johannes Martinez wrote:

> Is there a deb package out there, or does any one have a diff for alien to
> install this properly?  I installed but had problems, i have to admit i
> like micrsoft office 97 ten times better.  It takes about 5 minutes to
> load swriter and about 3 seconds to load word.  

That's probably because you allow MS to preload a bunch of crap into the 
background during Win '95 startup--I've seen my dad's thinkpad 560 take 5 
minutes to boot Win '95 with all the MS office stuff.  That's a P120 

Anyway, I would suggest using the Star Office install program and 
selecting the default 'user install' option in the user's home 
directory.  That way, all the files are in /usr/local/StarOffice3.1 and 
the individual's home directory.  I see no need for a Debian package for 
this piece of semi-commercial software, but others may disagree.

Thanks.  Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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