> Hi,
> while moving my debian system to a bigger disk I ran into some weird problem.
> The new disk is CHS 4956/16/63. If I boot from the old disk and check the
> partition table, it seems to be OK. but if I boot from the new disk, cfdisk
> refuses to run and fdisk complains about physical and logical partitions not 
> starting/ending in the same place. 

I had just the same problems and found solution in recompiling the kernel 
(are you using exacltly the same in both cases? if not -it is the clue)
and enabling something like "new ide interface" instead of old one.

Alex Y.

> I am using util-linux_2.5-12 and lilo_19-2 and there is nothing but debian in
> the disk.
> Any clues?
> Thanks,
> Luis.

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