On Jul 10, Laurent Bonnaud wrote
> >>>>> "Igor" == Igor Grobman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Igor> 
> Igor> NO NO NO!!  Don't try removing this package.  It owns all of your 
> device 
> Igor> files. Removing it will leave your system in a completely unusable 
> state.  
> Igor> Just leave that package as it is.
> Yes, that's what i see when i list the files owned by this package.
> However, removing it from the status file will not remove the files.
> And after that, i might be able to reinstall another package which
> would take ownership of the files.  In a freshly installed Debian 1.3
> which package owns the device files ?

None. Precisely because of the trouble with "base", the device files were
taken out of the package system.

Note that it is possible to remove base (see one of my messages in the -user
or -devel archive), but I don't recommend it if you don't know what you're

> base-files replaced base, but we cannot get rid of the old base.

You can by installing al the replacement packages first (make sure you have
the makedev package), then --force-remove-essential --purge base and
_immediately afterwards_ run /dev/MAKEDEV . But it is *highly dangerous*.

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