On Fri, 11 Jul 1997, Timothy Phan wrote:

> Hi,
>   I'm having problem with the clock/time on my debian box.  Everytime,
>   I bring up the system, the clock is always about 4 hours behind.
>   I have to setup the time using "date -s hh:mm".  I'd like to know
>   how to:
>     1. setup the Debian to always read the time/date from the CMOS
>        according.

See 'man clock'.

>     2. adjust the time periodicly if the system is up for a while.
>        I've noticed that when the system stay up for long period of
>        time, the clock slow down to like 3-4 hour in a 24 hours period.

If you are connected to the Internet, you can use a program like rdate or
ntpdate to update your system time from an accurate time server, like
time.nist.gov.  Then you can update your CMOS time with 'clock -w'.  A
simple script could be invoked with cron to periodically update the clock.
I have a call to such a script in /etc/ppp/ip-up to update my clock
whenever I connect to my ISP.


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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