I'm attempting a new install on the ThinkPad 365XD w/800x600
display, 40Mb RAM, CDROM and external floppy; at boot, the system reports
root.bin loaded, then linux, then it simply halts.

        I've created 3 rescue disks on three different diskettes from two
different downloads, and all have exhibited the same problem.  Booting
"linux floppy=thinkpad" has no observable effect.  All were built from
this machine, a ThinkPad 760LD running Debian 1.3 (that I'm *trying* to

        The ThinkPad 760LD is running an upgrade from Debian 1.2.  I
didn't have any boot problems with the initial Debian 1.1 installation on
the 760LD, *or* with the complete reinstall I did with Debian 1.2.  The
linux-2.0.30 without modifications; in the past it has also booted the
2.0.27, 28, and 29.

        I've not ever had any significant base install problems on
various ThinkPads until this one (365XD).  Anyone have any ideas?

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