Dear Debian Mavens,

I am brand new to Linux, being a Windows/Mac guy. No, make that a
Mac/Windows guy. I prefer the Mac. I want Linux to rid me of any contact
with Microsoft.

Anyway, my Compaq 9240 came with a combination CD-Rom/Optical drive.
It's made by Mitsubishi/Panasonic, Model #LF-1094D. It uses both cd's
and 650 Mb optical cartridges. Stick in a CD, and it works like a CD
device. Put in an optical cartridge, and it self-conforms as the door
closes to work with that. I like it a lot, but I have not been able to
get it to work with Linux.

I have installed Debian 1.2 from a CD, up to a point. I created the
install diskettes and went through the configuration process. The
installation of the "generic SCSI" driver was successful. The process
was uneventful. ;-)

But, when I try to mount the CD so I can install a software package from
the CD, the CD-PD is not recognized. 

Here are my questions:

1) Should the CD-PD work with the generic SCSI driver?

[Earlier, when Win'95 was installing itself on the same equipment, it
identified the controller card in my box that the device is connected to
as an Adeptec 785 PCI SCSI Controller. The CD FAQ does not mention a
CD-PD device.]

2) If not, what driver do I need, and where can I get it?

3) Am I asking the right questions?

I tried to e-mail Compaq to affirm which controller card I had, but they
have not answered my question. The machine came with no usable
documentation, neither on disk, nor online, nor written. (Actually, I
did get a simplistic answer, but the answer was to a question that I did
not ask. I made a second attempt, asking the same question again, but it
has been ignored.)

Also, Compaq does not stoop to answer *any* questions re. Linux running
on their machines, I have discovered. At least, that has been my

Thank you for the chance to post my problem here.

Dr. Lightning

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