This might be going to the wrong list,  but I don't think I subscribe to
debian-devel.  Maybe it actually goes to the linux kernel people.  Anyway:

Shouldn't <make modules_install>
1) automatically purge the /lib/modules/* tree before installing?
2) update /etc/modules and conf.modules?

I recompiled my kernel yesterday,  and several modules became directly
part of the kernel,  as I had intended.  But kerneld still tried to load
the old modules on boot,  causing lots of undefined symbol errors.  And
the presence of some of those modules in the /etc/ files caused a few
errors,  also.
        It wasn't a terrible problem,  because I knew where to look to
fix things.  But in general,  wouldn't it make more sense to have those
things taken care of,  so those who don't know might have a clue?


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