>>>>> "SW" == Stephen Witt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SW> Subject pretty much says it all.  I've got a Dell PPro w/ Number 9
SW> Reality 332 (S3 virge).  My XF86Config has entries for multiple
SW> displays (I think) at different depths.  Reading the XFree86 docs
SW> last night indicated if there are multiple entries w/ different
SW> depths, then it uses the one the server is called with (or
SW> something like that). I hope it isn't in 'startx'.  Its probably
SW> the one file I didn't look at last night.


If you want to know the colordepth of your display, type "xwininfo"
(withouth the quotes) at an xterm an when asked to select a window
click in the root window, the background. It will then give you the
desired information.

To startx the X server at 16 bpp, e.g., do the following:

        startx -- -bpp 16

But I suggest you to put this information in the /etc/X11/XF86Config
file. Add the line

        DefaultColorDepth 16

to this file in the "Screen" section.

 Emilio C. Lopes <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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