On Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:12:36 CDT Brian K Servis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
) wrote:

> Here at Purdue the Engineering Computer Network staff have developed a
> very awesome account management package called ACMAINT.  They currently
> use it to manage all the accounts and machines on the network.(Over
> 13,000 users with over 336,000 accounts on approx. 800 Sun's, 120
> HP's, and handful of IBM's, SGI, etc!) From any machine on the
> network you can change any account on any other machine via a client
> server arrangement.  The source and doc are in
> ftp://ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/ACMAINT/.  I don't think it has been
> ported to Linux but can be built on 20 different *nix's including
> BSD4.2, BSD4.3 & BSDPOSIX so it shouldn't be to difficult to add
> support for Linux.  It is very customizable.  I believe it was written
> in tcl/tk and uses an oracle database.  All the developers have since
> left the network and so the code is for the most part frozen. There is
> a mailing list mentioned in the README's which is still active and the
> route to get support. I have used it on the computers at school and
> was very impressed but have not tried to get it to run on my single
> personal Linux box at home(don't see much point).  I just thought I
> would mention this to the list in case someone would be interested in
> taking a look at it.

I've added it in "Work Needing and Prospective Packages" as a wanted package.


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