>>Dima wrote:
>>If I use awk --re-interval, it should accept reg-expr like [0-9]{5} to mean
>>"five numbers in row" (a reg-expr definition of ZIP code?), but it doesn't.

   Interval  expressions ...
... are requested with  this  option,  or  when
 >              --posix is specified.

Sorry: a follow up on my own, and incorrect, post. I forgot to clip 
awk output in, and now that I re-run it I (finally :) got the message. 

Eris:dima:~$ awk --posix '{ if($0 ~ /[1-9]{4}/) print $0; }' MICE
>From - Wed Jun 25 04:08:57 1997
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 09:41:31 -0500
Eris:dima:~$ awk --re-intervals '{ if($0 ~ /[1-9]{4}/) print $0; }' MICE

(I used a wrong awk switch when I wrote that reply). It looks like bug
indeed, I suggest you report it.

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emaziuk at curtin dot edu dot au
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