On Wed, 23 Jul 1997 16:36:30 +1200 Richard L Shepherd 

> On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, Syd Alsobrook wrote:
> > I'm using debian 1.3 with samba 1.9.16.
> > 
> > When my main workstation was running Win95 I could connect fine now I'm
> > running NT 4.0 and I can browse the to my linux box but I'm getting a login
> > error that says: The account is not authorized to login from this station.
> I have a colleague here who can no longer mount, via samba, his home
> directory since he applied service-pack 3 to his NT 4.0 machine.  It's a
> big problem here because suddenly lots of people can no longer access
> their samba volumes on our main WWW (unix) servers the way they used to.
> I don't yet know of a satisfactory solution.

Strangely enough "Service Pack 3" changes the way the password database is 
accessed on NT. I don't say that this is a voluntary move from Micro$oft to 
burden Unix/NT interoperability, but...

I've heard there's a switch somewhere wich says "Allow clear passwords" or 
something of the like, and that "Service Pack 3" switches off. I have no clue 
of where this button hides in NT's widget forest.

If you can find where this switch is, could you please get back to me and tell 
me ? I might have to deal with this crap soon...


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