[EMAIL PROTECTED] (tyc) writes:

> My Midnigth Commander don't work well.
> F1,F2,F3, and F4 don't make their functions. Why?
> What can i do to solve this problem in my spanish keyboard
I suppose you run Debian-1.3.1 with XFree86-3.3!?  If this is the case
then you have to manually replace the 'xterm' binary found from the
XFree86-3.3 xbase package with the one in the XFree86-3.2 xbase
package.  This is at least a temporary workaround until this bug with
XFree86-3.3 gets fixed.
                                   Cheers, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   My Homepage in the WWW at the URL http://www.uni-mainz.de/~pseelig 

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