Okay, I finally got X working, so I decided to Install the Netscape 3
package that comes with 1.3.1.  When I get to the "configure" stage of
dselect, I get the following:

running dpkg --pending --configure ...
Setting up netscape (3.01-4) ...

ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp under the name:

       Do NOT simply rename the archive of another version in order to
       force it to install with this package.  It will not work.

       Archive files can be found on ftp.netscape.com.

dpkg: error processing netscape (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

dpkg --configure returned error exit status 1.

Has anyone else seen this?  What can I do about it?

Carl Fink               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

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