On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Daniel,
> You're not providing us with enough information to work on.
> On Jul 28, Daniel J. Mashao wrote
> > Now the Xserver is mixed up 
> What do you mean? Does it dump core or not? Do you get an image or not? Does
> it only work for some users? Do you get error messages? If so, which? Is
> your /etc/X11/XF86Config OK?
No it does not dup core. It can only work in 800x600 mode and using
C-A-Backspace to change mode only works for 640x480 and the monitor cannot
display it in higher mode. This is a minor problem for now. My major
problem is that I cannot read text in xterms.

Highlighting text makes it unreadable. It is hard to explain but generally
X is unusable. Is there an easy way I can get back to the previous X? 

The problem is not with XF86Config file. It worked before with Debian 1.1
and 1.2.4 and 1.2.8. I tried to generate a new one but it had similar
problem. I thought the problem where fonts so I proceeded to comment some
lines in XF86Config file and this did not help any.
> What permissions does dip have ("ls -al /usr/sbin/dip"; on my system
> "-rwsr-xr--   1 root     dip", thus only root and members of group "dip" can
> use it)? Which users are in group "dip"?
I solved this by chmod o+x /usr/sbin/dip. I am the only user on the system
and I am in the dialout group which may have owned dip before. I forgot
how to add a group to a user so I just chmod it.

I may need to get back to the old X because it used to work fine and I
really did not need any new Xserver.

D.J. Mashao,                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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