
I just tried updating my Debian 1.3 system tonight by ftp.  I updated
with the stable and unstable releases on ftp.debian.org.  The last
time I updated my system was about 2 weeks ago.

The symptoms here are not too detailed because I can't reboot my system!
Here is what happened:

I used dselect to download some of the new files.  The ones that I remember
that were significant were ld.so and libreadline2.  After getting just a
portion of the way in installing the files, I noticed the install scripts
all aborting with errors and core dumps.  I also noticed that it started
somewhere around where libreadline2 installed.  I decided that I'd better
reboot before continuing.  But I couldn't even su to root (core dump), so
I just reset the machine.

Now, the system will start executing /etc/init.d/boot, fsck and mount my
root partition, and then just abort /etc/init.d/boot w/o an error and
jump right to init 2.  I checked the sym links to libreadline2, and they
seem fine. 

But now I can't even log into my system!  When I log in as root, it dis-
plays all the normal messages it would right before it would execute
bash, but then goes right back to the login prompt w/o errors.

Please, could someone help me with this problem?  I have no idea where
to go from here.  Hopefully, this will ring a bell with someone.

Garrett Jost

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