On Wed, Jul 30, 1997 at 11:48:25AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: Manoj Srivastava writes:
: > Hacking sendmail.cf is a mindset. Once you get into it (lord help me,
: > I've been there), there is an elegant simplicity about the rules.
: Perhaps someone who has gotten into sendmail could write a sendmail.cf
: generator?  I know about m4.  It helps, but not enough.

A wise man (Peter Gutman) once said...

"HELO, my $name is sendmail.cf.  Prepate to vi..."

Jason Costomiris                 | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not    | and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |                      --Unknown


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