Note - these are not complaints.  I _know_ that unstable is unstable,
and the risk I take by using it.  Just thought others might want to

I have a "raid0" md partition that consists of two 2G partitions
striped together.  Today, I ran my machine out of virtual memory and
it locked up (might be a problem with 2.0.14 and/or SMP) and lo and
behold, the filesystem on my striped partition was trashed.  What's
even worse was that I couldn't make a new filesystem on it!  I kept
getting _weird_ errors - I was starting to think I had a hardware
problem.  Anyways, I downgraded from e2fstools version 1.10-4 to
1.10-2, and voila, problem fixed!  It looks like version 1.10-4
doesn't like partitions greater than 2G or something.

Also, I've had problems with fileutils, bash, and systemutils all from
hamm/base not being able to resolve "NISed" usernames right.

Should I be filing these things as bugs, or are they common knowledge
on the developers mailing list?

+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |       |

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