Dear all

The latest version of auctex (9.7n-2) supplied with Debian 3.1 crashes
emacs when it searches for files in the LaTeX directory tree.

Specifically, if TeX-insert-macro (C-x C-m) is used and then one
enters `usepackage', auctex signals that it is "Searching for files"
and crashes. The same happens with the macro `insert'. Previous
versions worked fine (with old versions of Debian). One should receive
a "Package:" interactive prompt. Since I am an habitual user of this
macro, I inadvertently crash emacs every hour or so!

Any ideas? Is this an auctex problem or an emacs problem? It happens
as root as well so that I am convinced it is not a directory
permissions problem.


Alvin Birdi
Middlesex University Business School
London  NW4 4BT  UK
tel: +44 (0)181 362 6445
fax: +44 (0)181 362 5981

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