On Tue, 5 Aug 1997, Johann Spies wrote:

> Please excuse me if this has been answered before.
> I received my Debian 1.3.1 CD, borrowed a cdrom-drive and installed 1.3.1.
> Dselect refuses to remove "modules" and "base" and as a result  shows
> "modutils 2.1.35-5" as broken and "base 1.1.0-13" as obsolete.
> How can I solve this problem?

Whatever you do, DO NOT PURGE BASE!! Then you will have a real problem.

Even if dselect says it is obsolete, it still owns vital parts of your
system (try "dpkg -L base" and see for yourself.) So, DO NOT PURGE BASE!!

You could:
- ignore what dselect indicates.
- delve into the dpkg database and remove all references to base. IIRC
this was described lately.
- wait for the maintainer of the package to issue a final base.deb,
consisting of merely install scripts that will perform the abovementioned

What does dpkg print when it tries to upgrade modutils?


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