Can anyone give some recommendations for a free (or possibly
shareware (mSQL)) database server for Debian? I want to access
the database ideally from Lotus Approach 97 running on WinNT,
via TCP/IP, or with Delphi 3; or, last option, via web pages
(which I do not have much time to write, especially
since this is only for inhouse use.)

I looked at mySQL, since there is myODBC; Approach won't talk
to it properly, and Delphi 3 does not handle its auto_increment
fields, which I rather like. Web pages are an option with eg PHP/FI
but there is some significant time investment in that.

Other options are, TTBOMK, Postgres (which has PostODBC,
but is only a development version which is a year old; I have it
here to try out later today), and mSQL, for which I can't exactly
find the ODBC driver. 

Does anyone have any experience specifically with Lotus Approach
and any of these servers?

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT. (PGP key here)             CPOM: [*****     ] 51%
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