On Aug 05, Shaleh wrote:
> I will be using my Debian machine as a workstation.  No outside access
> will be needed and my only networking will be through PPP.  I intend to
> run X and basically tinker, surf, program, and enjoy not using Microsoft
> products.  My questions is --> what can I do to minimize my memory/cpu
> use and maximize my machines potential??  Would using a different getty
> help; are there daemons running that I do not need since I am not a
> server?  I have a 150+ and 64M of RAM plus a 96M swap area, running IDE
> because my family still wants Win95 and I am a poor college student.

I'm no professional, but as far as I understand, there is no need to bother
with a few daemons running in the background. They will sleep until you
awake them (this lies in the nature of a daemon, right :-). And you awake
them only if you need them (like lpd, the printer daemon). Check it with
"top", you will see that they don't use any CPU (0.0%).

So, your machine runs at highspeed anyway. With a 150+, 64M RAM, you are
fully prepared. I would not care about a few byte for the daemons to lay
around and sleep. See, this is not windows: linux *is* optimized. With
debian, install the packages you need, and you have what you want.

I run a pentium 100 with only 32MB here, and I can run X and a kernel
compile, etc, no problems. I have all sorts of servers laying around, for
example a web server, so that I can view html-docs under http://localhost
with my favourite browser. I have printer daemon and others. They don't eat
resources until you use them.

So, AFAIK, just install and enjoy will give you MAXIMAL potential with a
MINIMUM of effort.


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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