At 05:02 PM 7/08/97 +0200, Per Eric Rosén wrote:
>Hi !
>I am trying to set up a automatic mirror of the debian packages archive to
>my local system. To use with diald , a single-connection protocol would be
>useful. There may be two approaches : Finding a debian mirror accessible
>via http ( or fsp ? ) , or using a http to ftp gateway on a Internet server.
>Is there any http-enabled mirror ( preferably in Europe ) ?

The only one I'm aware of that would have quite good bandwidth would be:                   *       *       *

in the US.  You could try that, or if you find another mirror that has web
access that isn't listed please email me.


Karl Ferguson - Mirror Site Co-Ordinator             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Current Release: 1.3.1
Check for up-to-date mirrors

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