On Sat, 9 Aug 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> Is there a huge index or something that has all the settings for each
> printer?  I have a HP Deskjet 660C (600 dpi b&w, 300 dpi color).. any know
> the settings?  (I think everything is placed in the /etc/printcap)

I assume you are using the standard Debian install of apsfilter.  This, in
turn, calls ghostscript and the printer-specific information is in the
ghostscript binary.  Version 4.03 (in Debian 1.3) supports several
deskjets, but the 660C is not specifically named.  Version 5.02 is the
latest, but is not available yet in a Debian package.  I expect that the
cdj550 driver is probably your best bet for a 660C at this time.

If you get the 5.02 sources and compile them yourself (not trivial) you
might be able to access more of the newer features.

For more information on printer compatibility, see:



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