Andy Kahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i've never seen TOB, but regarding tar'ing directly to a device:
> you can do multiple tar's to device (e.g., tape device).  to do
> this, let's say you already tar'd once.  to do it again, but append
> it to the first one, you need to forward past the first one.  so if
> you were at the beginning of your tape, you need
>       mt -f /dev/ntape fsf 1
> where /dev/ntape represents the >> non-rewinding << device entry for
> your tape drive.  afterwards, you can tar again.
> --andy

OK.  Maybe I'll try this with the Zip drive and see if "mt" can talk
to it properly.


+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |       |

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