Hi Tibor, Hi Everyone -

Tibor Simko wrote:
> hi
> i like olvwm too.  after the installation, the system-wide
> menu worked for me right out of the box, after the right
> mouse button click...  so you must have done something
> bizzare during the installation ?!
> best wishes

Mmmhhh, maybe I did do something bizzare during
the installation - so I reinstalled olvwm and
set OLWMMENU to /etc/X11/olvwm/openwin-menu.
Well, it still didn't work. So then (I don't know
why...) I thought it may work if I start X11 using
the startx command rather than xdm - and that 
actually did it !?!?!? I now have a wonderful
workspace menu. So basically, I am happy now, but 
it would be nice to use xdm after all - 
does anyone have an idea why olwm and xdm don't get along?

- Reto

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