Felix Almeida wrote:
>   I'm a sysadmin of a small network at my college and I'm going to buy a
> new tape drive in order to do the back-ups. Some friends told me that the
> Iomega Ditto 2GB (internal model) is a good choice. So, I'd like to know
> if this drive works fine under Linux. Are there any problems with it? Does
> the kernel recognizes it? Does anybody use it? Please, help me! ;-)

If you get the SCSI ditto drive it will definitely work.  I'm pretty
sure the other verions will work too.

However, before you just consider the one product, remember what that
product was originally designed for.  The ditto drive (and indeed other
backup devices using Travan tapes) was designed for home system
use and may not be as fast or as durable as you were hoping for.

I recently had to buy new servers for work (which will run linux, of
course 8)  ) and I decided to see if I could get away with getting
a travan tape drive instead of a DAT drive.  Well, after searching
the web I came to this web page.  I definitely think it's worth
reading before making up your mind.


We decided that DAT was the way to go in the end and that the extra
price of the DAT drive would be more than compensated for in the
cheapness of the tapes.  (Travan tape drives are much cheaper than
DAT, but the Travan tapes are more expensive than DAT tapes).

I hope this helps,


Behan Webster     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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