On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:52:36 -0500, Paul Serice wrote:

>> The purpose  behind the official incorporation for Debian is still
>> beyand me, and the more I think about it I don't like it.  The
>> project (like linux) has always been for freeholders all over the
>> world. Why the US government suddenly has to get involded, I have
>> no idea. Why does Debian need to be an artificial US government
>> privedged entiy? It's our OS. We collectivly own it. Why do we
>> suddenly need permission from someone to exists I'm sure some of
>> the other anarchists here are also wondering about these things....
>The government has always been involved.  In general though, it is

With the developers and servers in Germany? nl?

>state law, not federal, that controls, and (if I remember correctly)
>most states impose personal liability (as in they come and take away
>your house and car) for unorganized groups such as Debian was. 

They could have not followed anything past the guy that caused it. Now they 

>Now for your anarchist side, when governments become overbearing they

As ours has.

>tend to nationalize --

As ours has.

> meaning they take property away from
>corporations (and other private organizations or individuals) for the
>supposed general welfare. 

As ours does.

>So, it is not difficult to see that
>freedom from intrusive government does not necessarily imply fewer

A corporation is a creatation of the state. For the most part it is an 
extension of 
government. A well behaved corp is never punished.

> As a matter of fact, strong and health corporations
>arguably contribute as much to your personal autonomy as any other
>single factor.

I highly doubt this. 
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