On Aug 21, 1997, at 14:53, Bruce Perens wrote:
 > A substantial part of that 67MB is the X change for Richard Stallman.
 > XDM prints "Debian GNU/Linux" rather than "Debian Linux". All of X got
 > rebuilt to keep the release numbers consistent. I have no problem
 > accomodating Richard, but I don't need to rush this change to every last
 > user and make them spend money to get it, do I?

That sounds fine to me. I'm just about to install Debian from my
Cheapbytes CD. What I need to know is this: say I'm done with
installing from CD, I have a functional Debian system, and I point the
package installer to one of the ftp sites to browse and see what it
suggests I should update (I gather I can do this, can't I?). Now, say
the installer suggests upgrading packages A, B and C. Can I know
(without downloading them, that is) what has been changed in those
packages between the versions I have installed and the versions on the
ftp site? For example, I'm not going to download 67 MB just to get
"Debian GNU/Linux" rather than "Debian Linux" on xdm (which I don't
use anyway). How do I go about this?

By the way, the CDs I got from Cheapbytes have the following printed
on them:

  "Official" Debian 1.3 1
  "Official" Debian 1.3 2

Have I been ripped off? Is this the latest 1.3.1 CD, or an older
version? How could I check?

 >      Bruce

Gonzalo A. Diethelm G.

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