Here we are again today, true to our agreement of yesterday, with David
Dave Cinege and Paul Wade. For Homer says that all the gods, and
especially the god of strangers, are companions of the meek and just,
and visit the good and evil among men. And may not your companions be two
of those higher powers, who have come to spy out our weakness in argument, 
and to cross-examine us?

   And, in my opinion, listowner, they are not gods at all; and they
hover about our list, looking from above upon human life; and most
think nothing of them; and sometimes they appear as statesment, and 
sometimes as lawyers; and then again, to many they seem to be no better
than madmen. I should like to ask our listowner, if you would please 
investigate of what you thought of them and whether the terms for
expolsion are applied. 

Ioannis Tambouras 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

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