Tim Sailer wrote:
> Do you have an early 2940 in the machine? I had this same problem,
> and had to get a BIOS upgrade from Adaptek.

It's revision B with BIOS 1.21
> The 2940 and it's chipset are considered beta, at best. I have a
> production system with a 4 month old 2940 in it that runs
> with no problem. Ny system at home, OTOH, has an 18 month old
> 2940, and it panics about every 2 weeks. This is a problem with
> the driver, not the distribution.

That doesn't explain, why Caldera et.al don't have the problems debian
has. And what about the 2842? Beta, too? Both controller use the same
chip, one is VLB, the other PCI. That's all.

Thanks for replying. Have a nice day.


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