On 22 Aug 1997 12:24:04 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>>>"Fire" == Fire Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Fire> I have to admit that I like 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 (or even
>Fire> better than 1.3.r1-fruit-files_your_mom.another-minor-change.
>       The last bit is a wee bit of FUD.
>Fire> Mainly, pick a numbering system -- *then_stick_with_it*.
>       We have -- the next release shall be 1.3.1 r1, followed by
> 1.3.1 r2, and so on. There will be numbers on *all* releases. Some
> people are objecting to the format of the release numbering, is all.

That's a lie. Don't talk for me, and smear this dicussion. 

I've made my objections clear. Release revisions should be fixed, and not have 
different versions, with the same number on them. 

This is going on now. It's been made as if this 'policy' will continue, and 
because it will make some CD makers happier. 

This is the argument, and always has been. It is a serious one, and anyone that 
not gotten this should go back and read the thread more throughly.  

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