On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Dave Cinege wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Aug 1997 20:42:21 -0400 (EDT), Richard G. Roberto wrote:
> >A while ago I posted my feelings on this to Debian private,
> >but it was _very_ ill received at the time.  I'll restate it
> >now.  Commercial products do not rename their OS every time
> >there's a bug fix!  
> Then it's settled! Debian is not a commerial product and niether is Linux. 
> Any reasons for acting more like one should simply be disreguarded...

Linux is NOT an OS!!! Its just the kernel.  Granted, its
more than that to lots of people, especially contributed
code that make it also a collection of utilities based on
GNU and BSD software, but linux in and of itself is just a
kernel.  Being commercially _viable_ is what many of us
would like debian to shoot for.  That implies technical
excellence, as well as real world considerations -- nothing
to do with your own little world, I realize, but for the
rest of us it matters.


"Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace" -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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