On 04:51:01 Matthew Tebbens wrote:
>>Is anyone running Debian using an EtherLink III 3C589C pcmcia card ?
>I'm looking for a module/support so I can use the card.
    Well, I use it on my old laptop but not running Debian.  The laptop
runs (of all Linux's :) Slakware!  And its old, based on kernel 1.2.13.
The 3Com is supported by the pcmcia 3Com driver module that has
been in the pcmcia modules for some time.  Oh, by the way, the reason
the laptop doesn't run Debian is that I have no floppy drive for it, and
Slackware, running on a umsdos filesystem (not supported in Debian)
using loadlin, etc, offered me a way to get Linux onto it by ftp'ing (it has 
WFW on it, so I had ftp and uSlop tcp available).  That way I was able 
to get various kernels on it and finished the install by ftp and so on.  
The 3Com works nicely with the 2.somthing.29 pcmcia stuff.  
Works like a charm, and I use it every day at work to check out
trubls, net links, etc.


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