> I'm running a 386DX-40 but for some reason it's being listed as an i586 
> on start-up.  Any reason I shouldn't continue to ignore this until I get 
> to understand the OS better?

*It's probably OK. Send me the contents of /proc/cpuinfo. Is your chip from

processor       : 0
cpu             : 386
model           : unknown
vendor_id       : unknown
stepping        : unknown
fdiv_bug        : no
hlt_bug         : no
fpu             : no
fpu_exception   : no
cpuid           : no
wp              : no
flags           :
bogomips        : 7.96

That's interesting, my environment has "HOSTTYPE=i586".  It's an AMD chip.
> Is there a small deb package, I only have a few Mbytes to 
> spare, you'd recommen to bridge over from what I've picked up in ms-dos?  

*I don't really think so. There is a file manager that looks like Norton
*Commander, but there isn't a good fake DOS environment.

I didn't make myself clear, for example: in ms-dos I used "debug" to put 
together the utility needed to turn my cursor back on. It's that type of 
knowledge I want to bridge over.  I'm looking for a Debian programming
package that's both compact in size and has good basic doc's to groove me
in to doing things in Linux/Unix.

> I see from the mailing list you hold some position Debian scheme of things, 
> what is it?

*I'm the project leader. The big cheese, I guess.

I think you guys are doing a great job!  It's incredible being able to dl
Debian and get it running so easily.  

Thanks for your help in getting through the initial confusion.


Michael Rokicki

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