>               But a couple of lines after
          >this messages comes:
          >     ...
          >     Starting mouse interface server: gpm -m /dev/ttySO -t bare
          >     ...
          >I have a PS/2 mouse how come it needs a serial driver? Are PS/2
          >devices and serial devices the same (My mouse works fine). And if
          >/dev/ttyS0 is a modem why is the mouse using this device?  Can 
          >make any sense of these?

>       If you have a PS/2 mouse, this line is wrong and will be causing 
> problems.
>       The correct device is /dev/psaux.  You have gpm looking at your first
>       serial port for a mouse, which it won't find.

You may have to recompile your kernel so that it supports the /dev/psaux device.
The option to have the kernel support non-serial mice is under the "Character 
section when you type "make menuconfig" under the "/usr/src/linux" directory
(you'll need to install the kernel-header and kernel-source deb packages first).

-- Harmon

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