I would welcome suggestions for printing fairly large collections of
html files.  My immediate application is to try to make some
reasonably attractive printed copies of the contents of
/usr/doc/dpkg/packaging.html/ so I can read the collection
conveniently some evening.  (No, I don't regard borrowing my wife's
laptop, transferring all the .html files over, and sitting in bed
reading by the glow of the screen as "convenient".)

I can always open each page in Netscape or some other browser then
click on print, etc. but I find the printed copies from Netscape are
not very attractive (fonts too large, line length too long, etc.) and
besides, that is a lot of pointing-and-clicking.

Is there any program, say "html2ps", that I could configure once to my
liking then simply go into the directory and type
 html2ps *.html | lpr

Alternatively, am I completely missing the boat and trying to retrofit
a printed copy from the html version of the documentation when there
is another, more easily printed, version.

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