> 1. Try to disable the boot prom.  

How do I do this?  I have gone through the 3Com disk and didn't see
anything like this.

> 2. Your transciever type must be BNC if your using coax cabling, RJ-45 if
> you are using UTP cables. 

I have the 3c509B-TPO, so I only have the UTP input.

> cat /proc/interrupts
> cat /proc/ioports

Unless there is something I don't know about (possibly my controller card
or vga card?) nothing is conflicting.  I am going to remove cards one by
one though.

> And check if a device is using irq 10 and IO 0300. 
> Use your etherdisk diagnostic card to change the settings of the above.

I have changed both the irq and io base and nothing changes!

> And lastly, Make a hard boot (turn off the power of the computer.) not a
> soft boot (pressing the reset button.) when you change the settings of the
> 3c509b card, just to be sure.

I have been doing this each time as well.



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