I may be able to help you a little.

On 30-Aug-97 Britton wrote:
>I'm a little confused on some of these options.  If someone could fill in
>the blanks for an average ppp connection started with pon about twice a
>day approximately it might be very helpful to the effort.  I also
>encourage everyone to take part in this, extremely cool!  Only two files
>in the tar archieve and it is easy except for this menu which will
>hopefully soon be cleared up.  I assume there is a way for a not-too
>systematic connection to be useful, but It might be possible to cripple
>the connection with wrong options?
>Who can fill in the blanks? :)
>1)  Email to report as [default:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ==>

If you want to support Linux, change the email address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>2)  Blocks to Buffer [default:5] ==> 100

I am also on a dial up connection activated by pon but I am on quite often. 
About 4-8 hours a day.  I just tell it to buffer about 75 blocks and that goes
for quite a while.  If it runs out of blocks it will just generate a random
block and try again.  There is no harm done by being off line when it is trying
to communicate with the network.  Just makes it less efficient.  But as long as
it can communicate with the network at some time things will be fine.

>3)  Blocks to complete in run [default:0] ==> 0
>4)  Hours to complete in a run [default:0] ==> 0
>5)  Keys per timeslice - for Macs etc [default:65536] ==> 65536
>6)  Level of niceness to run at [default:0] ==> 0
>7)  File to log to [default:] ==> ~/rm_log
>8)  Network communication mode [default:1] ==> 1
>14)  Optimize performance for CPU type [default:-1] ==> -1
>0)  Quit and Save

You can leave the rest of these where they are.

>Also, I am getting the following when I run:
>Network::Open Error 1 - sleeping for 3 seconds
>The proxy says: "Welcome to rc5.darkstar.net, Happy hunting!"
>[08/30/97 06:56:48 GMT] Retrieved 5 block(s) from server
>[08/30/97 06:56:48 GMT] Block: 54E58A:60000000 being processed
>[08/30/97 06:56:48 GMT] 4 Blocks remain in file buff-in.rc5
>is it working right now and what is the cause of that error?  I said I can
>communicate freely on telnet ports, is that right?  What a thrilling
>project, very exciting.  I have often though how about Linux community
>looking for primes?  and here is something like it.

I am not sure what is causing the error but it seems to be receiving the
blocks so all should be good.

I don't think you have to worry about messing things up with the settings you
have.  The only problems I can see is it may waste time when you are not
connected to the net and it wants to send or receive blocks.

Try running rc5v2 -h

It will give you some options.  If you are about to go off line for a while you
can have it send all the completed blocks and fill up the buffers.

You could also write some scripts or mess with cron jobs to bring up the
connection when it is needed.  But I don't bother with that.  I fill the
buffers before I go to sleep and when I get up it is usually still cranking.  
It should be no big deal if you are off line when if wants to send.

If you want more info take a look at http://rc5.distributed.net and

Hope this helps.

http://www.methow.com/~tcole -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 30-Aug-97
Time: 02:18:46
Do you guys know what you are doing, or are you just hacking?

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