Will Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libtcl.so (No such file or
> directory), skipping
> ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libtk.so (No such file or
> directory), skipping                              

Run ldconfig again. If the error doesn't reappear, you're ok.

>       Also,  tk8.0_8.0-2.deb depends on xlib6g,  which doesn't appear to
> be available.  Where can I find it,  and how does it differ from xlib6?

xlib6g presumably would be xlib6 linked against glibc. It may not be
up yet. Has anyone else seen it?

 Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA
 "Few sinners are saved after the first 20 minutes of 
  a sermon."  --Mark Twain

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