On 31 Aug 1997 23:44:12 +1200 Carey Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>"Michael Legart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> just one thing ... I have to disable use of external 
>> cache, or else it wount compile without errors... that really makes 
>> compiling slow ! If you ask me, that is... isn't 65 minuttes 
>> compiletime too much on  a 486-dx80 with 16 megs of ram ?
>I'm pretty sure it didn't take that long on my DX2/66 with _8_ megs of
>RAM (unless I had X running).  I didn't actually stick around to watch
>it though, and it would have been 1.2.13.

It takes my 486dx2 66mgz with 20megs ram and 30 swap about 50 minutes to
do a full kernel compile IE: make clean make dep make zImage make modules
make modules_install.

-Kevin, kc5vxy
><Col, 3:23>

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