Just a P90 here, dial in PPP 2-6 times a day. It has been doing that
only task this night (and so will in the next ones) and in about 7 hours
it seems it has done 12 blocks and 50% of another.
     In these days I have to read tons of docs, debian and PostgreSQL, and
do a very few things computationally expensive. Before I used my idle time
running pov to build up some stereoscopic sequences from xaero and test
some kind of "decoupage" when assembling different points of view. But
this challenge is exciting, it may be won by the Linux community indeed, I
think, if even a relatively small part of us gives some CPU-time. 
Bedises, the RC5 client does not really appear to affect what is being
done in "non-idle"  time, it must be practically stopped when anything
else is being done. 

     Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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