> Hi
> I am trying to install Netscape 3.01 on my Debian system.  The machine
> running debian has no connection to the Internet, so to transfer files
> to the Debian box, I have to first download them onto my PowerMac, and
> then transfer them over my local network.  The mac doesn't like the name
> "netscape-v301-export.x86-unknown-linux-elf.tar.gz", and so truncates it
> to "netscape-v301-export.x86-unknow."  I transfered the file to the
> Linux box, and then attempted to run the Debian netscape installer, and
> got the following message:
> ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp under the name:
>        /tmp/netscape-v301-export.x86-unknown-linux-elf.tar.[gz|Z]
>        Do NOT simply rename the archive of another version in order to
>        force it to install with this package.  It will not work.
>        Archive files can be found on ftp.netscape.com.
> dpkg: error processing netscape (--install):
>  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  netscape
> How can I get around this, short of setting up a modem on the PC, or
> running a DHCP program (like VirtualSurfer, which is a $150 piece of
> commercial software) on the Mac?
> Hint: I'm looking for someone who can give me detailed instructions on
> editing netscape_3.01_1.1.deb's preinstallation script so that however
> it's checking that the name's been changed is suppressed (since the name
> is the ONLY part of the original archive that has been changed).


why can't you just rename that file to it's _original_ name when it's
already on your Debian box? 

Something like

mv netscape-v301-export.x86-unknow. \

Alex Y.

> Thanks,
> Dave Neuer

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