> OK.  I guess I should have been clearer; I HAVE renamed the file, and
> put it in /tmp.  I then run "dpkg -i netscape_3.01-4.deb" and get the
> error above.  I think that I may have in fact slightly misinterpreted
> the error at first; it seems to be generated by the *post*installation
> script.  It seems that dpkg is installing whatever supporting files and
> creating whatever necessary directories and subdirectories, and then
> must be choking on the tar archive, even though I've renamed it and put
> it in the proper place.  When I try running Netscape from within an X
> session using fvwm's built-in application menu, nothing happens.  When I
> invoke it from the command line, I get the following error:

Do a "ls -l /tmp" and make sure the name matches exactly (and ends in
either .tar, .tar.Z, or .tar.gz -- whichever is appropriate for the archive).

> /usr/bin/X11/netscape: /usr/lib/netscape/netscape: No such file or
> directory
> /usr/bin/X11/netscape: exec: /usr/lib/netscape/netscape: cannot execute:
> No such file or directory
> Here is the text of the script /usr/lib/netscape/netscape:
> #!/bin/sh
> export MALLOC_CHECK_=0
> export
> NPX_PLUGIN_PATH=$HOME/.netscape/plugins:/usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins:/usr/lib/netscape/plugins
> exec /usr/lib/netscape/netscape "$@"
> If anyone has any ideas about what's going on with the installer, or how
> I can fix this, please let me know.  I did unpack the archive myself at
> one point by hand (before I found out about the installer package) using
> gunzip and tar, and when I ran the netscape executable, I got the same
> error message (/usr/lib/netscape/netscape: no such file or directory).
> I therefore think that there's nothing wrong with the archive itself
> (aside from having been renamed at one point).  And yes, I have tried
> transferring the files again to get a pristine copy of the archive on
> the machine.

You are correct.  That error is generated by the netscape package postinst.

                                 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

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