Alex Monaghan wrote:
> Ferenc Kiraly wrote:
> >
> >         Hi!
> >
> > > Tan Wee Yeh wrote,
> > > :Indeed it does but we have a lot of catching up to do... Apple's
> > > :rate is currently 6 time that of ours... pls refer to:
> > > :
> > > :I'm pumping in 1 alpha500 + 2 PPro 200 + 1 P200mmx.
> > >                   ^^^^^^^^
> > > Bad news, this does not seem to be running.  I checked the
> > > process and the guy is kinda stalled.  Anybody successfully
> > > ran the client for an OSF??
> >
> > As long as you're asking ... Has anyone successfully ran the client
> > on a HP Apolo 700 running HP-UX 10?? I have 3 available machines.
> Should we be identifying ourselves as Linux when on non Linux platforms ?
This is 'marketing' I'd guess that some of [EMAIL PROTECTED] isn't Mac
or PPC.  The dual PPro I can use from time to time is NT. :\  But I'd
guess that our mass of stats comes from lots of 'little itty bitty
pieces' from the 486 class machines.

BTW, Bill Gates told a former boss of mine about wrapping ones foot in
the power cord in case of GPF for demos. :)  Another well known trick is
to 'demo' a slug on the table with a work-hourse under the drapes of the
folding table that the cables really connect to.

L8r -- Greg.
Greg Vence              | Debian GNU Linux
KH2EA/4                 | Diamond 2000 (7npw 4cpw)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    | There is time for what's important

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