On 97/09/03 at 12:39 PM +0200, Eng. Jose Luis Faria wrote: 

> Hello
> I'm looking for a mail agent like Eudora, ishmail
> but freeware.
> Please send me the some advices.
> thanks.
> -
>  :-) Cumprimentos
>  ----
>    Jose Luis Faria

Hello Jose Luis,

I'm using the following debian packages for mail.  They work very well.  These
are the only two packages you need for mail.  They are "mutt version 0.81" and
"exim version 1.62".  Try them  and I think you will be plesantly surprised. 
They are available for ftp from ftp.debian.org in the
debian/unstable/binary-i386/mail directory.  Don't let the word unstable
influence you since both these packages are very stable.


Victor Torrico

        --- Wildflower Hill, Head Waters, Virginia ---

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