On Thu, 4 Sep 1997 14:13:30 -0400 (EDT), Pete Templin wrote:

>Hi there!!
>I'm doing some network consulting for a computer store, and we'd like to
>connect the store LAN to the Internet through a 56k or T1 connection.  If
>possible, we'd like to save the expense of the router and perhaps the
>CSU/DSU if possible.
>I think I've seen some adds in network magazines for WAN cards.  Are any
>of you using them?  If so, can you tell me about driver compatibility?
>Does it replace the CSU/DSU, or did you still have to rent/buy one?  What
>sort of interface options did you have to select from (I've heard that
>different telco boxes have different interface types)?

Check out 

I've heard good things about the wanpipe.

As for an internal CSU/DSU I consider it good practice to leave that as an 
external modular component.

www.bat.com seems to have good prices.
http://www.psychosis.com/emc/           Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214
http://www.psychosis.com/linux-router/  Linux Router Project

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