On Thu, 4 Sep 1997, Will Lowe wrote:


> Things that probably ought to be included but aren't:
>       Specific instructions on what to change in the control, rules,
> etc. files.  This isn't very clear,  and requires a lot of hacking around
> with source to figure out. While hacking is good for understanding,  you
> don't neccessarily need to understand deb-make/dpkg to make a package.

Yep.  That will certainly be in there.  In fact what I think I will do is
annotate the whole rules file output by deb-make line by line.

>       A *brief* listing of gcc options/makefile stuff.  Only the ones
> that are likely to be relevant to your average maintainer who just wants
> to run "rules" and have it work.  True gcc hackers/unix gurus will already
> know the esoteric stuff they'll need.

I think the LDP docs have something I can include or link too.  I'm not
going to attempt to write that stuff myself.
> Righto!  And the "Debian Developer's Reference" covers this in much
> detail.  Maybe just a line saying "If you want to become a maintainer and
> upload your package,  see the Developer's Reference at http://whatever.";

Yes.  This didn't exist when I first wrote my piece but it deserves a
prominent mention now.

My draft is getting along quite nicely now and I hope to have it ready for
inspection soon.  When I do I suggest we move this discussion to the
debian-doc mailing list to cut down on the traffic in this one.

Thanks for your help.

-- Jaldhar

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