Since you're providing enlightenment ... I ran into a problem when I
tried to modify your script for my own preferences. Specifically, when 
I tried to change the value of PS1 to give a colorized prompt. The
string I began with was
        PS1="\\[\\e[1;31m\\]\h:\\[\\e[0m\\]\\[\\e[1;34m\\]\\w\\[\\e[0m\\] $ "

This string works find in a "straight" .bashrc. However, when I use it 
in your file, it works fine on a login shell. When I start a subshell, 
though, I get

        [: too many arguments

Thinking I must be doing something terribly stupid, I poked and
prodded that string every way I could think of, but the same result

 Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA
 "Few sinners are saved after the first 20 minutes of 
  a sermon."  --Mark Twain

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