On Sat, 7 Sep 1996, Viorel ANGHEL wrote:

> That's because you have a 8bpp (256 colors on screen) and Afterstep
> use a lot of them. When AS doesn't have colors, it simply don't
> put the icon! So, use a resolution with 16bpp or search for 
> icons with less colors (I know that exist something like 'afterstep
> 8 bit icons)...

I don't think thats the problem. He is missing xbiff and xload. If you are
missing these two files, the afterstep, mailbox, and load graph icons will
not show. ITS NOT A BUG, I had the same problem before and it's
working fine now. I think these files are in xcontrib and xproc, I might
be wrong, just search for them on debian.org

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