I noticed that insmod spends a lot of CPU time. 
There were no such things before .  I'm using 2.0.30 kernel
with 1.3.0 Debian. 
Here is the 1st string of top's output:
root       190 89.0  1.4   0   848   324   236  ?  R      5:15
/sbin/insmod -k -s /lib/modules/2.0.30/misc/lp.o lp

Is there any idea? Thanks in advance.
Eugene Sevinian

Cosmic Ray Division
Yerevan Phisics Institute
Alikhanian's Brothers str.2
375036 Yerevan 36

URL: http://www.yerphi.am/crd/prs/sevinian.html
Phone: 374-2-352041 (YerPhI), 374-2-344873 (aprt.)
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